Apologies for going dark on the whole website/comic thing for so long! I just didn’t want to force anything out that I wasn’t happy with and was determined to just take my time getting things sorted so I could continue on better footing. Along with that I was resolving some IRL nonsense and got back into a consistent physical therapy schedule. Last month at my doctor’s visit I ended up being rather dangerously underweight. Every month I’ve been dropping a few pounds and at that appointment I weighed in at 101lbs…. I’m short, yes, but a healthy weight for me is 125-130lbs. Being in pain you tend to forget to eat, when you forget to eat you get tired, and when you’re tired you don’t wanna exercise… which leads to increased pain in my situation. It’s a vicious circle that you gotta fight against, and while it was a rough couple of weeks forcing myself to eat and exercise more, I’m finally starting to see the results.
After a couple of years, I’m starting to actually walk better too! What was long accepted as my “new normal” after my heart issue, walking like fricken Jack Sparrow, has started to improve with a focus on improving my gait with low impact exercises in the pool. Starting to feel okay again and for the first time in a long time I’m optimistic about improving. As I’m writing this I’m getting ready to go to the gym in a bit. I don’t wanna go, but I know it’s good for me. Ugh.
Anyway as a result of this, I’m able to put in more effort into my comic/website. For the past couple of years, I’ve just used what little strength I had to chip away at comics/art little by little, but now I’m feeling like I can finally take a step forward to fully get things operational here. I worked on a ton of comics at once and focused on getting a more consistent art style between them that I could build upon. Feel pretty good about how they turned out and I feel ready to move forward from here.

Worked on a bunch of pages simultaneously while jumping between them and periodically updating a document of them all next to each other. It really helped with the writing and making the art more consistent.
Unfortunately, I can’t promise any update schedules beyond this, but I do intend to upload frequently here. At the very least you should see “rambly” posts with little scribbles peppered in, and meanwhile, I’ll try to get a new comic page up when I can. The Driving Nowhere comic is more of a ‘big picture’ pet project that I intend to work on for a while.
Maybe I’ll have 50-page “volumes” that I’ll self-publish eventually… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I actually really like working on multiple comics at once instead of one at a time like before. Lets me sorta walk away and come back to pages with a fresh set of eyes, while also smoothing out the art/writing. I don’t waste time struggling with certain things when I allow myself to work on something else if I ever feel stuck. Usually whatever issue I encounter becomes much easier to solve when I let myself disconnect from it for a bit. I’ll prolly cut down on how many I work on at once, but I can see myself working on four or five at a time from this point forward.
So… yeah. Forcing myself into a schedule I can’t physically manage would just result in compromised work that I’d regret. Instead of doing that, I’ll just have my rambly posts with scribbles peppered in as regular content, and the comics will be a bonus!
…watch me fail at this too and go dark again for a few years..